These are from Matt, my friend in Australia.
Here is the message for you from Matt, Australia.

Hi I’m Mat fromAustralia.


I was fortunate to take part in the 19th Ship for World Youth program with Yasu-san, you English teacher.


I live in my hometown of Leeton, which is around 600km west ofSydney in the state of New South Wales. The population of Leeton is around 8000, so it is a typical small rural town in country Australia. By Japanese standards, you would think my town is very small and remote ? the nearest larger city is Wagga Wagga, with a population of around 60,000 people. Wagga Wagga is around 150km from Leeton.


Leeton is a very agricultural-based community. The main production is in citrus fruit, grapes and rice. Unfortunately, we are currently in the middle of a severe drought, and we have not received decent rainfall in over three years. Because of the drought, production of rice is very low at the moment. In Australia, we have a lot of land to grow rice, but very little water. In Japan, there is the opposite problem ? plenty of water, but not enough land!


It is my ambition to live and work in Japan for a short time as an English conversation teacher. I have applied to a company called AEON, and if I am successful, I may be teaching in Tokyo before the end of the year!


Good luck with your study of English. You are lucky to have a good teacher in Yasu-san!


Mat Bradley



僕はLeetonという、シドニーから西へ600キロいったところにある町にすんでいます。ニューサウスウェールズ州のなかにあります。人口はおよそ8000人ですから、オーストラリアの典型的な田舎町、といったところでしょう。日本の学生さんには、僕の町はとっても田舎で、遠くにあると思うことでしょう。近くにある大きな町はWagga Waggaといって、人口はおよそ60000人です。Wagga WaggaはLeetonから150キロくらいのところにあります。



英語の勉強、がんばってください。あなたたちはヤス先生というGood Teacherをもってとてもラッキーです。

Mat Bradley
